Meet erin

Some things you should know about me before I join your family


So this is where it all started.  This is my mom and dad.  When I really think about it, they are why I am me.  I get my calm, laid back demeanor and phenomenal mothering skills from my mom, of course.  Then my dad contributes to my wit and DIY abilities.  Their home was definitely a loving and fun environment.  I often hung out with them on Friday nights well into my teens.  I'm fortunate enough to still have them both and probably don't visit them nearly as often as I should (I'm gonna work on that),


My brothers are 10 and 12 years older than me.  Yes I was an accident and I'm okay with that :)  In fact, upon news of my arrival, my dad walked around pretty mad for a while (since it was all my mom's fault of course), until he finally muttered to her, "It better be a girl." (Again, entirely up to her)  Good thing it worked out.  Because there was such a huge age difference, we actually got along just fine...well like 92% of the time.  When they got driver's licenses, they would take me swimming and to places like Chuck E. Cheese and would let me sit on their laps and drive (surprise Mom and Dad!)  It really wasn't a bad deal.  Despite the age gap, we're pretty close and have more inside jokes than I could ever count.



Fast forward 35 years to my current crew.  I met my husband, Darnell, when I was 12...he was a little oder and was mean to me that day.  According to him, he felt bad and told himself he'd spend the rest of his life making it up to didn't take that long ;)  DJ is 12 and was a baby prodigy (seriously, don't ask for proof or you'll be watching my home movies for hours) and London is my 10 year old mini me who has already owned like 3 businesses (let me know if you want to buy a rainbow loom bracelet, crocheted scarf, or cupcakes).  This pic is from our 2015 Minneapolis vacay.  Photo cred:  Aunt Barbara



Darnell and I have been married almost 16 years.  We love date night or sometimes day dates and make sure we have them on the regular.  Darnell is really good at finding the best spots ahead of time! This was a random go kart trip we took in the middle of the day while the kids were in school.  We also went to Disney World without them once (oops).  When they start to complain, I just ask them, "Do you want me and your dad to stay married?.....Then we need our date nights."  They just roll their eyes (they have our same sense of humor so they get it).



When the kids started asking for another sibling, Charlie was the one to complete our family.  He's a 6 year old Portuguese Waterdog who hates the water by the way.  I adore him for many reasons, but the way he matches the interior of our home has got to be the best(I'm a huge gray fan).  Also, we both have naturally curly hair, so we use the same hair product line (Go #teamnatural).  He actually kind of hates getting his picture taken, hence the obvious shade he's throwing me here.
